Life as Random walk-Monte Carlo simulation of Life!!
(A Monte Carlo simulation is used to model the probability of different outcomes in a process that cannot easily be predicted due to the intervention of random variables. Many physical phenomenon can be simulated this technique. In my Ph.D thesis I have used it to find the behaviour of electrons under various electric field conditions in Silicon. The name comes from the Monte Carlo casinova in Monaco, where the primary developer of the method, physicist Stanislaw Ulam, was inspired by his uncle’s gambling habits.)
Life is a Monte Carlo simulation-some stocastic i e.random event happens it gives a deterministic path to life until terminated by another stocastic event and so on!!The striking feature of MC was in spite of randomness there emerged a useful pattern. Life has both stocastic and deterministic components.
So MC simulation mimic life!! Different motivations act like electric field in life gives it a deterministic phase!!
(I sent these notes to my Ph.D supervisor, Dr.Chandrashekar and he added this:
Comments from my supervisor Dr.Chandrashekar
“Yes, but so is the case with Brownian motion too where the path is determined by the initial momentum and the random scattering events and it takes us nowhere.However, when a steady guidance is provided by the electric field to an electron, then there is a net average displacement and a net average velocity in the field direction. The guidance from soul is analogous to the electric field. In its absence we keep getting scattered randomly without any net advancement in any direction. Following that guidance, we advance in its direction despite the plethora of random collisions that do scatter us.”